
Successful PhD defense of Jaime Calvo Sánchez
Title "Unravelling the molecular role of the long non-coding RNA FAM30A in modulating acute myeloid leukaemia stem cell dynamics"
Halle (Saale) 12.12.2024

RTG2467 retreat in Monastery Nimbschen 21.11.-23.11.2024

Dr. Albert A. Smith-Penzel, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
“Characterizing the Lipid Dynamic Landscape with NMR and MD” 21.10.2024

Successful PhD defense of Peter Zorn
Title "From sequencing to function: A triad of RNA-guided pro-cesses in the nucleus - medium sized ncRNAs, nuclear speck-les and Rbfox1-mediated splicing"
Halle (Saale) 29.05.2024

RTG2467 students only retreat in Jena 13.05.-15.05.2024

Successful PhD defense of Alice Wedler
Title "Das RNA-bindende Protein RAVER1 moduliert die miR/RISC- Aktivität und TGFß-abhängige EMT durch Regulation des alternativen Spleißens"
Halle (Saale) 23.04.2024

Successful PhD defense of Marina Abd el Malek
Title "Investigation of Actin-MRTF-A protein complexes in fibroblasts"
Halle (Saale) 16.04.2024

Dr. João Miguel Correia Teixeira, Zymvol Biomodeling SL, Barcelona, Spain
“Modeling intrinsically disordered proteins in the context of folded domains”

Successful PhD defense of Lisa Machner
Title "Interaction of the disordered Gab1 with tyrosine phosphatase Shp2"
Halle (Saale) 08.04.2024

Successful PhD defense of Robin Selle
Title "Somatic Functions of Bicaudal-C in C. elegans"
Halle (Saale) 25.03.2024

Successful PhD defense of Luca Lauth
Title "Self-assembly of intrinsically disordered proteins into amyloid fibrils and liquid condensates"
Halle (Saale) 21.03.2024

RTG2467 retreat in Kloster Nimbschen 16.11.-18.11.2023

RTG2467 students visit the Forschungszentrum Jülich 19.09.-20.09.2023

Our second cohort PhD student Toni Traeger, along with associated post-doc Ioannis Skalidis visited the Ernst-Ruska Center for Electron Microscopy at the Forschungszentrum Juelich.

After a successful application, Toni brought samples of the natively purified Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (PDHc) in order to collect high-resolution cryo-EM data with the TFS Krios G4 located at the Center. He was introduced to the instrument by the members of the Sachse group, which focuses on cryo-EM instrumentation and method development. 

Toni was also given a tour of the whole facility, and saw in-person the advanced instrumentation available there. After fruitful discussions on the potential progress of the project, as well as general discussions on microscopy and cryo-EM image analysis, Toni was allowed to “pilot” the advanced EM and under the supervision of the responsible scientist  Saba Shahzad screened and collected data on the PDHc sample, which will, without a doubt, help advance not only Toni’s PhD project but also our knowledge on the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase complex, a large enzymatic machinery whose function is governed by disordered regions.

Summer BBQ Halle (Saale) 01.07.2023

Successful PhD defense of Ioannis Skalidis (Summa cum laude!)
Title "On the molecular organization of a succinyl-CoA-producing cell-free system: A cryo-EM and computational approach"
Halle (Saale) 16.06.2023

Defense Ioannis Skalidis 16062023pg

RTG2467 Students-only retreat
Quedlinburg 08.05.-10.05.2023

RTG2467 Annual Fall Meeting
Kloster Nimbschen/Grimma 17.11.-19.11.2022

After two years, we finally met in person again at the monastery Nimbschen close to Grimma. We had a very successful scientific meeting! Congratulations to Tala Alakhras and Coninika Guha who received the awards for best talk “Characterization of Cyclin L protein and its oncogenic role mediated by the RS domain” and for best poster presentation “Paraspeckle as a therapeutic target for inhibition of tumor progression and metastasis”.

2nd Fall Meeting of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS) Young Scientists Kloster Hünfeld 28.09.-30.09.2022

The 2nd Fall Meeting of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS) Young Scientists was held at the monastery Hünfeld. Alan An Jung Wei held a talk about his work on his PhD project on “Different Oligomeric States of the Tumor Suppressor p53 Show identical Binding Behavior towards the S100ß Homodimer”. Alessio Di Ianni presented his work “A Novel Trifunctional MS-cleavable Cross-linker for Copper-Catalyzed Azide/Alkyne Cycloaddition (CuAAC) Enrichment of Cross-linked Peptides”. Wiebke Günther presented her poster on the “Application of the Protease Nepenthesin for Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry”. All projects received a lot of attention and we were able to have interesting conversations with other young scientists. Wiebke won a prize for her poster. Besides listening to the talks and discussing our work, we were able to network with other students and industry partners during the evening events.

Prof. Dr. Julia Laskin, Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, USA
“Ambient Imaging of Biological Samples Using Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization (nano-DESI) Mass Spectrometry" 12.07.2022

Gordon Research Conference Intrinsically Disordered Proteins The Functional Role of Disorder in Biological Systems
Les Diablerets, Switzerland 25.06.2022-01.07.2022

The Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on IDPs was held in Les Diablerets in 2022. Nine RTG students discussed and presented their research with IDP experts. Luca Lauth held a talk about his PhD project on “The primary structure of LCDs that encodes subcellular localization signals”. We received a warm welcome to the international IDP community as we sat together with Keith Dunker and Ya-Yue J. Van Dunker for dinner that evening where Keith again expressed his great interest in our ongoing research. Our projects received a lot of attention at the daily poster sessions and Julia Hesselbarth won a prize at the end of the meeting for her poster on “SNARE complex regulation by Complexin-1 – a structural mass spectrometry study”! Besides listening to and discussing ongoing developments in the field, we had the opportunity to mingle with other scientists and industry partners from around the globe. The meeting was set in the beautiful Bernese Alpes, offering the opportunity to hike and take the gondola up the Glacier3000.

RTG2467 Students-only retreat
Weißenfels 04.-06.05.2022

This May we were able to switch to our first live and in- person students-only retreat at Jagdhotel Jägerhof in Weißenfels. We had lively scientific discussions during several sessions of talks, as well as two poster sessions and some general organisational matters. Congratulations go to Robin Selle from the group of Prof. Eckmann for ‘Best Talk’ about ‘BCC-1 Genetically Interacts with Hypodermal Molting Factors‘, Lisa Machner from the group of Prof. Feller for ‘Best Poster’ about ‘Taming the Beast: MicroED Allows Structural Investigation of IDP, Revealing Functionally Relevant Disorder to Order Transitionand‘ and to Ioannis Skalidis from the group of Prof. Kastritis for ‘Best Questions’. Also, special thanks go out to Jun. Prof. Marcel Köhn who stepped in as substitute for the at the time vacant position of Scientific Coordinator. Besides listening to and discussing ongoing research in our RTG2467, we had the opportunity to explore the city of Weißenfels on foot during our stay and closed the meeting with a fun canoe rafting tour on the Saale river starting in Bad Kösen and arriving with a splash in Naumburg.

HAL-OX Symposium 'Disease Biology and Molecular Medicine
Oxford UK 13.03.2020

53rd annual meeting of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS)
Munster Germany 01.03.-04.03.2020

Farewell of Luz Irina Calderón Villalobos
Halle (Saale) 21.02.2020

64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society
San Diego USA 16.02.2020

RTG2467 retreat
Wittenberg Germany 19.11.-21.11.2019

HALOmem International meeting
Halle (Saale) Germany 14.11.-15.11.2019

Lectures by Mercator Fellow Prof. Dr. Keith Dunker
Charles Tanford Protein Center Halle (Saale) Germany 20.09.-25.09.2019

Mitteldeutsches Symposium Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (RTG 2467)
Molecular Principles, Cellular Functions, and Diseases
Halle (Saale) 13.07.2019