studied Biochemistry at the MLU in Halle where he also obtained his PhD in 2015. Since 2015, he is the scientific coordinator of the RTG 1591 “Posttranscriptional Control of Gene Expression” and since 2016, he is head of an independent junior research group at the Medical Faculty of the MLU. Currently, he conducts research in the field of non-coding RNAs in cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases.
Project within the RTG

Key publications
Köhn M, Hüttelmaier S. Non-coding RNAs, the cutting edge of histone messages. RNA Biol. 2016, 13: 367-372.
Köhn M, Ihling CH, Sinz A, Krohn K, Hüttelmaier S. The Y3** ncRNA promotes the 3′ end processing of histone mRNAs. Genes Dev. 2015, 29: 1998-2003.
Köhn M, Pazaitis N, Hüttelmaier S. Why YRNAs? About versatile RNAs and their functions. Biomolecules. 2013, 3: 143-156.